Tonight is the return of 90210 and Gossip Girl!
Melissa heard that they're basically going to let the whole Annie killed Creepy Jasper's homeless uncle story line. As much as I don't like a dragging story line, this seems like sort of a cop out. I want to see how this admission affects her and her parents. Speaking of her parents, I didn't realize that Harry is gone for good. What does this mean for Aunt Becky?
I'm so worried for Naomi. Even though she can be heinous at times, her girl-who-cried-wolf story line was so excruciating to watch. I bet she'll go through a period where she won't want to tell anyone because of her earlier lie, but I really hope she tells someone the truth. Dear Lord, DO NOT let it be Jen.
Teddy coming out??? CRAZY. I bet Silver's going to go off the deep-end. Alyssa made a good point that they pretty much ignored her bi-polar disorder in the latter half of the season so it should come up again amidst all of this. 90210 writers have said that they're taking this story line very seriously, but knowing Teddy for a year now, I just don't see it. It just seems kind of random to me.
I love Liam and Annie together, but that surely will get messy once Naomi finds out. And I don't care too much about Ivy and Dixon, although I thought it was pretty bad ass of Dixon to say "eff it" and go to Australia with Ivy. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and his parents will get over it. You made the right choice, kid.
Gossip Girl
We know from the previews that Chuck Bass is alive and looking better than ever. That cane really does something for him. It's nice seeing him out of a suit... and for some reason that outfit makes me feel like he should be in Newsies. Did anyone catch the season 3 bloopers that Perez posted? I'm a sucker for the ones in which Ed Westwick slipped into his British accent. The big questions, however, are: will he and B reunite? Is that gorgeous ring lost forever? Where does Fleur Delacour fit into all of this?
I hope that Serena and Nate do not get back together. I never really understood that pairing anyway. She denied you and slept with your married cousin? And you STILL WANTED TO BE WITH HER?
Dan and Georgina. Sigh. I bet the baby won't be his, but we'll have to see how it plays out. Knowing Georgina, it will be dramatic and juicy. I seriously love Michelle Trachtenberg in this role. And what about Vanessa? I believe it was Ausiello who said that they're still together, but really? Does ANYONE like Vanessa?
And Jenny is supposed to make her grand entrance back into Manhattan's elite during NY Fashion Week... with an appearance by Tim Gunn!
This is the article that I read about the 90210 finale last season....